AUTOR: ZLATIJA BALEVIĆ,  III razred, Gimnazija “Mile Arsenijević-Bandera”, Majdanpek, Regionalni centar za talente Bor

MENTOR: prof. engl. jezika i knjiž. MILICA ALEKSIĆ MITOV, nastavnik engleskog jezika u gimnaziji “Mile Arsenijević-Bandera



We cannot define crime  and consequential punishment without prior defining of laws, which from the dawn of humanity people have developed a tendency for. The basis of contemporary laws are the Ten Commandments a lot of people rely on. Sometimes the politicians  misuse the power of the Ten Commandments over citizens, sometimes they introduce the laws unfamiliar to the public and therefore disliked by it, and sometimes they simply miss to introduce some necessary and vital law, thus wasting the innocent lives, as it was the case with Tijana Juric's abduction. If the police investigation had started the moment Tijana was reported missing and if an AMBER alert had been issued (as it is done in the USA and some European countries) she may have been found safe and sound. Unfortunately, 'Tijana's Law' was induced by a gruesome crime and finally enforced in August 2015. Many lives were neglected due to the police act implying the search for an abducted person should start after the person has been missing for at least forty eight hours. What also makes no sense is the lack of proportion between crime and punishment. Should death penalty be re-enforced? There is an urgent need for social prevention and change of common ways of looking at the acts of crime and punishment.

Key words: crime, punishment, Tijana's Law, abducted, laws, Ten Commandments


Ne možemo definisati zločin ni konsekutivnu kaznu a da prethodno ne definišemo zakone kojima ljudi teže od nastanka čovečanstva. Osnovu savremenih zakona predstavlja Deset Božjih zapovesti na koje se mnogi ljudi oslanjaju. Nekad političari zloupotrebljavaju moć koju Deset Božjih zapovesti imaju nad građanima, ponekad uvode zakone koji nisu bliski javnosti i koje se istoj samim tim ne dopadaju, a ponekad jednostavno ne uvedu neki potreban zakon od vitalnog značaja, i time protraće živote nevinih kao što je to bio slučaj sa otmicom Tijane Jurić. Da je policijska istraga otpočela istog trenutka kada je prijavljeno da je Tijana nestala i da je izdato AMBER upozorenje (kao što se radi u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i nekim evropskim zemljama) možda bi Tijanu našli živu i zdravu.

Ključne reči: zločin, kazna, Tijanin zakon, otet(a/o), zakoni, Deset Božjih zapovesti