Autori: Mitrović Darko, Jović Miljana, Medicinska škola Zaječar, Fa36, Centar za talente Bor
Mentor: Danijela Milanović, dipl. hemičar; Medicinska škola Zaječar
U ovom radu ispitivan je antibakterijski potencijal sulfata iz tri različite mineralne vode na pojedinačne kulture bakterije S. saprophyticus. Koncentracija sulfata u mineralnim vodama je određivana turbidimetrijskom metodom DMH-011, i utvrđene su sledeće koncentracije: 21.68 mg/L, 21.20 mg/Li 21.89 mg/L. Pojedinačne kolonije S. saprophyticus su zasejane na Mueller Hintonovoj hranljivoj podlozi (MHA) na kojoj su iskopani bunarčići i u njih su sipane tri različite mineralne vode. Petrijeve šolje sa bakterijama su inkubirane 24 h na temperaturi od 37 stepeni. Nakon dvadesetčetvoročasovne inkubacije, oko bunarčića sa mineralnim vodama nisu uočene bilo kakve zone inhibicije. Usled nepostojanja zona inhibicije na podlogama sa pojedinačnim kolonijama S. saprophyticus, izveden je zaključak da sulfati iz analiziranih mineralnih voda u datim koncentracijama nemaju nikakav antibakterijski uticaj na kulture bakterije S. saprophyticus.
Ključne reči: sulfati, mineralne vode, turbidimetrijska metoda, S. saprophyticus, antibakterijski uticaj, zone inhibicije
In this research we have determined the potential antibacterial effect of sulphates from three different mineral waters on individual bacterial cultures of S. saprophyticus. The concentration of sulphates in the mineral waters was determined using the standard turbidimetric method DMH-011, and the following concentrations were obtained: 21.68 mg/L, 21.20 mg/L and 21.89 mg/L. Single cultures of the bacteria S. saprophyticus were planted on dishes that contained Mueller Hinton's nutrition broth (MHA), which we had previously made holes in. The mineral waters containing sulphur were poured into the holes, and the Petri dishes with the bacterial cultures were placed in an incubator for 24 h, that was set to the temperature of 37 oC. After the incubational period, incubation zones weren't wisible around the holes that were made into the nutrition broth. The non-existance of incubation zones around the holes on the nutrition broth with the bacteria made us come to the conclusion that the obtained concentration of sulphat ions in the three analysed mineral waters doesn't have any antibacterial effect on the individual cultures of the bacteria S. saprophyticus.
Keywords: sulphates, mineral waters, turbidimetric method, S. saprophyticus, antibacterial effect, inhibition zones