AUTOR: IVA KOMAR, 8.razred, OŠ „Djura Jakšić“, Zaječar, Regionalni centar za talente Bor

MENTOR: OLIVERA VASILIJEVIĆ, master geograf, OŠ „Djura Jakšić“, Zaječar



Na prostoru Istočne i Južne Srbije tokom burne geološke prošlosti nastali su specifični i interesantni oblici reljefa. Nastali su delovanjem endogenih i egzogenih sila. Na relativno malom prostoru zastupljeni su kraški, fluvijalni (rečni), paleovulkanski i drugi oblici reljefa. Mnogi od njih su ne samo lokalnog ili nacionalnog, već i svetskog značaja.

Cilj rada je predstavljanje objekata geonasleđa Istočne Srbije i Južne Srbije koji su zakonom zaštićeni. Objekti su zaštićeni kao nacionalni park, predeo izuzetnih odlika, rezervat i spomenik prirode. Izvršena je i procena njihove privlačnosti u funkciji razvoja ekoturizma i geoturizma.

Ključne reči: Istočna i Južna Srbija, geonasleđe, zaštita prirode, geoturizam.


In the area of Eastern and Southern Serbia during the turbulent geological history, specific and interesting forms of relief were formed. They were created by the activity of endogenous and exogenous forces. On a relatively small area there are represented karst, fluvial (river), pale volcanic and other forms of relief. Many of them are not only of local or national, but also of global importance.

The aim of this work is the representation of the objects of geological inheritance of Eastern and Southern Serbia which are legally protected. The objects are protected as a national park, an area of exceptional characteristics, a wildlife preserve and a natural monument. An assessment of their attractiveness has been made for the cause of  the development of ecotourism and geotourism.

Key words: Eastern and Southern Serbia, geoheritage, nature conservation, geotourism.