Autor: LUKA BRANKOVIĆ, učenik VIII razreda, OŠ „Dušan Radović“, Bor
Mentor: GORDANA MUNDRIĆ, profesor engleskog jezika, OŠ „Dušan Radović“, Bor
Stars are objects in the universe that truly amaze humans, but we do not completely understand them and their nature, and we may never will. Their lives are very interesting, from birth to death. In some cases they end their lives in most beautiful and wonderful ways. And even after their death, some stars create unexplained objects that no human can understand, objects that will make you question reality. There are different types of stars, from small and particularly invisible to huge and very dangerous. Some are red, some are blue, some special in their own ways. They can have companions, they can live in their own groups, have families or maybe even sustain life itself on other planets. Join me on this wonderful journey where we shall explore the world of these deadly but also very helpful spheres of gas and fire
Key words: stars, universe, life cycle, celestial body, death, gas, light
Zvezde su objekti u svemiru koje istinski zadivljuju ljude, ali mi ne razumemo u potpunosti njih i njihovu prirodu, I možda nikada nećemo. Njihov život je jako zanimljiv, od rođenja do smrti. U nekim slučajevima oni završe svoj život na najlepši I najčudesniji način. Čak I posle njihove smrti, neke zvezde stvore nerazjašnjene stvari koje nijedan čovek ne može razumeti, stvari koje će vas naterati da stvarnost dovedete u pitanje. Postoje razne vrste zvezda, od malih I praktično nevidljivih do ogromnih I vrlo opasnih. Neke su crvene, neke su plave, neke posebne na svoj način. Mogu imati saputnika, mogu živeti u svojim grupama, imati porodicu, ili možda čak održavati život na nekim drugim planetama. Pridružite mi se na ovom čudesnom putovanju gde ćemo istražiti svet ovih opasnih ali I veoma korisnih lopti gasa I vatre.
Ključne reči: zvezde, kosmos, životni ciklus, nebesko telo, smrt, gas, svetlost