Autor: Milosavljević Teodora, I razred Tehničke škole u Knjaževcu, Centar za talente Bor

Mentor: Gerov Zlatica, master inženjer mašinstva – upravljanje i primenjeno računarstvo, pedagoški savetnik, nastavnik Tehničke škole u Knjaževcu


Ljudi kao celina teže da olakšaju svoj život što je više moguće. To postižu brojnim pronalascima s kojima smo svakim danom sve bliži, pomeramo se za jedan stepenik ka budućnosti. Svakim novim pronalskom društvo nam se menja na bolje i doprinosi svakodnevnici. Pojava interneta sama po sebi privukla je mnogo pažnje, do te mere da  nas danas od bilo koje informacije deli samo jedan „klik“. Sada je deo našeg života i svakim danom postaje sve više i više nezamenjiv. Pristup internetu može da ima skoro svako na planeti. Pronalaskom društvenih mreža počinje nova era tehnologije. One nam omogućavaju lakši vid komunikacije, pristup informacijama o drugim korisnicima, a nekima predstavljaju zabavu. S ciljem da proverimo kako društvene mreže utiču na naš život sproveli smo anketu na teritoriji opštine Knjaževac. Ispitanici su bili učenici srednjih škola i nastavnici. Oni su davali iskrena mišljenja i odgovore koje sam beležila i brojala. Na osnovu njih dobila sam određene rezultate koje sam ovde zapisala i predstavila u vidu grafikona, kasnije i tumačila. Na samom kraju smo imali zaključke i zapanjujuće činjenice kojih ni sami nismo svesni. Ukoliko želite da saznate nešto više o uticaju društvenih mreža na naš život i o promeni istog nastavite da čitate!

Ključne reči: internet, društvene mreže, komunikacija, facebook, slobodno vreme


People as a whole tend to make their life as easier as possible. In order to do that they are inventing numerous inventions, which are getting closer to us every day, moving one step towards the future. With every new invention society is changing in a positive way and it contributes to everyday life. The invention of the Internet itself has attracted much attention, to the point that today we are only one „click“ away from any information. Now it’s a part of our lives and it becomes more and more irreplaceable every day. Nowadays almost all people on the planet can have access to the Internet. With the invention of the social networks begins a new era of technology. It allows us an easier way of communication, access to information about other users, but for most people it represents only fun. In order to check how social networks affect our lives we conducted a survey in the municipality of Knjaževac. The examinees were high school students and teachers. They gave us honest opinions and answers which I marked and counted. Based on the answers, I got certain results which I wrote down and presented here in the form of a chart, and which I later interpreted. In the very end we came to conclusions and amazing facts that we were not aware of. If you want to find out something more about the effect that social networks have and how they change our lives, do continue reading!

Key words: Internet, social networks, communication, facebook, free time