Autori: ANA MARKOVIĆ, JOVANA MIHAILOVIĆ, 6. razred, OŠ Vuk Karadžić, Knjaževac, Regionalni centar za talente Bor

MENTOR: ANA PETROVIĆ master biolog, nastavnik biologije, OŠ Vuk Karadžić, Knjaževac


Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje uticaja ishrane na rast patuljastog zeca. Patuljasti zec je tretiran (hranjen), dva puta dnevno u periodu od cetiri meseca u konstantnim uslovima. U prvom tretmanu, u toku novemra i decembra, sa Complete: Hrana za patuljaste zečeve Cuni Junior došlo je povećanje težine i visine, kao i do poboljšanja sjaja dlake. Tokom januara i februara, hranjenjem zelenim povrćem i voćem, nakon 14 dana došlo je do pojave dijareje. Dok do kraja tretmana nije došlo do značajnih fizičkih promena, dok se dijareja povremeno vraćala. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je najbolje hraniti ih hranom koja je izbalansirana i sadrži sve vitamine i minerale neophodne za normalan razvoj.

Ključne reči:  patuljasti zec, ishrana, Complete: Hrana za patuljaste zečeve Cuni Junior, povrće


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of nutrition on the growth of dwarf rabbit. Toy rabbit was treated with (fed), twice a day for a period of four months in constant conditions. In the first treatment, during November and December, with the Complete Food for dwarf rabbits Cuni Junior there was an increase in weight and height, as well as to improve the gloss of hair. During January and February, eating green vegetables and fruit, after 14 days there was a diarrhea. While by the end of treatment there were no significant physical change, while occasionally diarrhea returned. Research has shown that it is best to feed them food that is balanced and contains all the vitamins and minerals needed for normal development.

Keywords: dwarf rabbit, nutrition, Complete Food for dwarf rabbits Cuni Junior, vegetables