Autor: VASILIJEVIĆ JOVANA, Ekonomsko-trgovinska škola, IV razred, Regionalni centar za talente Bor
Mentor: BJEDOV JADRANKA, Profesor engleskog jezika i književnosti, Ekonomsko-trgovinska škola Zaječar
Some people would say that idea of studying in a different country, speaking foreign language away from your family and friends, your culture, neighboors, teachers is crazy, but most of the people would say it is a life-time experience. Today, more and more students decide to be an exchange student and study abroad. It became something that gives benefits to everyone. These days you can hear so many stories about amazing experiences on exchange programs from students that have experienced it, you can enjoy listening to it, and the best part of it is you can be an exchange student and study abroad. It takes a lot of courage to become one, but you won’t be alone in that world of changes and excitement if you decide to be an exchange student, because so many students today want to be, they were or they are an exchange student right now. Why do some students chose to study abroad today? I will try to give you an answer to this question in next few pages.
Key words: studying, exchange, students, experience, foreign, world
Neki bi rekli da je ideja o učenju u drugoj zemlji, govoreći strani jezik daleko od svoje porodice i prijatelja, kulture, komšija, nastavnika šašava, ali će većina ljudi reći da je to jedno životno iskustvo. Danas, sve više učenika odlučuje da bude učenik na razmeni i uči u inostranstvu. To je postalo nešto što daje beneficije svima. Ovih dana možete čuti toliko mnogo priča o neverovatnim iskustvima na programima razmene od učenika koju su iskusili to, možete uživati slušajući ih i najbolji deo toga je što vi možete da budete učenik na razmeni i učite u inostranstvu. Potrebno je mnogo hrabrosti, ali nećete biti sami u tom svetu promena i uzbudjenja ako se odlučite da budete jedan od njih, zato što toliko mnogo učenika danas žele, bili su ili trenutno jesu učenici na razmeni. Zašto neki učenici odlučuju da uče u inostranstvu? Pokušaću da vam dam odgovor na ovo pitanje u narednih nekoliko strana.
Ključne reči: učenje, razmena, učenici, iskustvo, strano, svet