The accountant , Računovođa

Autori: Kristina Trifunović i Nikola Kovačević, SŠ „Nikola Tesla“ Boljevac

Mentor: Robert Jovanović



The Accountant is a 2016 American crime action-thriller film. As a child, Chris Wolff had been diagnosed with a high-functioning form of autism and was offered an opportunity to live at Harbor Neuroscience Institute in New Hampshire. Although Chris had bonded with Justine (Alison Wright), the mute daughter of the institute's director, his father declined, believing that Chris should overcome the hardships inherent in his condition. The pressure of raising a special-needs child later drove Chris's mother to leave him and his neurotypical younger brother, Braxton(Jon Bernthal ). Their overbearing father, an army psychological warfare officer, arranged for them to receive extensive military training around the world, which Christian now uses to protect himself in his dangerous life. It shows that the kids with autism are very much different than normal people and that their talents and personalities vary even amongst them alike. Most people think that autism is a disease and the people who have it are more or less underestimated and put in a certain box of “retarded”. The Accountant shows the other side of it. Christian Wolff has proved that even with autism someone can become as social as it is possible for him, retaining and improving his crazy math-mind assets.


Racunovodja je triler film snimljen u 2016. Kao dete Kris Vulf je dijagnostikovan sa autizmom i bio je ponudjen prilikom da zivi u Harbor Neurosajens Institutu u Nju Hempsiru. Iako se Kris vezao za nemu devojcicu Dzustin (Alison Wright), njegov otac je odbio, smatrajuci da Kris treba da prevazidje poteskoce svoje bolesti sam. Pritisak podizanja deteta sa posebnim potrebama je kasnije oteralo njegovu majku I napustila ih je. Njihov ohol otac, vojni psiholoski oficir je uz pomoc svog znanja pomagao Kristijanu da se izbori sa svojom bolescu koje Kristijan sad koristi da se izbori u svakodnevnom opasnom zivotu.

Film pokazuje da su deca sa autizmom mnogo drugačija od normalnih ljudi i da njihovi talenti i ličnosti se razlikuju čak i među njima samim. Mnogi ljudi misle da je autizam bolest i ljudi koji ga imaju više ili manje su potcenjeni i stavljeni u određenu kutiju "retardiranih". Računovođa pokazuje drugu stranu. Kristijan Vulf je dokazao da čak i sa autizmom neko može postati društven koliko god je moguće za njega, zadržavanje i unapređenje svog ludog matematickog uma.