Author: MARTA RISTIĆ, učenica III razreda Ekonomsko-trgovinske škole Bor
Mentor: IRINA KAGADEJEV STEVANOVIĆ, profesorica engleskog jezika u Ekonomsko-trgovinskoj školi Bor
I have read the books a total of 94 times (the entire series 16-17 times, no exaggeration). This is my tribute to J.K.Rowling, the writer, and to Harry Potter himself. I love Harry Potter. I love it because it turned a whole generation on to reading. When I asked my friends to just talk to me about Harry Potter, they sent me back wonderful paragraphs. Everytime I read the books today, I get something more out of it. The emotional moments are raw and real, and I can appreciate them now more at age 17 than I ever could at age 12. It means something different to every Potterhead, but these books changed our lives – they turned us onto reading, or gave us a friend, or even just made us smile.
Pročitala sam knjige sve ukupno 94 puta (ceo serijal oko 16-17 puta, bez preterivanja). Ovo je moj “danak” J.K.Rowling, spisateljici, i Hari Poteru. Volim Hari Potera. Volim ga jer je “naterao” celu generaciju na čitanje. Kada pitam prijatelje da pričaju sa mnom o Hari Poteru, šalju mi prelepe pasuse. Svaki put kad čitam ove knjige danas, dobijem još nešto od toga. Emocionalni moment su tako sirovi i stvarni, i više ih cenim danas sa 17 godina nego koliko sam mogla sa 12. Ovo znači drugačije svakom “Potterhead-u”, ali ove knjige su promenile naše živote – zbog njih smo čitali, našli prijatelja, ili su nas samo nasmešile.