Autori: KRISTINA TRIFUNOVIĆ, III-1, NIKOLA KOVAČEVIĆ, III-1, Srednja škola "Nikola Tesla", Boljevac
Mentor: Robert Jovanović, Profesor engleskog jezika, Srednja škola "Nikola Tesla", Boljevac
Rtanj is a mountain situated in eastern Serbia, about 200 km Southeast of Belgrade, near Boljevac. It belongs to the Carpathian Mountains and the highest peak Shiljak (1565).
Rtanj history is linked to the story of a wealthy Jewish family Minh who owned Paracin fabrics factory, and later mine coal. Julius committed suicide and then his wife Greta built a chapel in1899 dedicated to her late husband. Later it was consecrated in 1936. Twenty years ago the chapel was damaged due to explosion. Many people that researched Rtanj believe that it is a pyramid and that was built using alien technology. Rtanj also has an inclination identical to that of the Pyramid of the Moon in Mexico, as well as the corners of which correspond to the Pyramids. This mountain is very well-known for its Rtanj tea which is used to cure many diseases. Very similar species of Rtanj tea is known to grow on the mountain of Olympus in Greece. The most prominent tops of the mountain are Kusak, Baba and Shiljak, and when connected with an imaginary line, they form a triangle with sides of five and six kilometers each. These research results are kept away from the public eye. In the past and present, Rtanj has had a big historical importance to the population from eastern Serbia.
Rtanj je planina koja se nalazi u istočnoj Srbiji, udaljena oko 200km od Beograda, blizu Boljevca. Pripada karpatskim planinama i najviši vrh je Šiljak (1565 m). Istorija Rtnja je vezana za priču bogate jevrejske porodice Minh koja je posedovala paraćinsku fabriku štofa i kasnije rudnik kamenog uglja. Julius je izvršio samoubistvo i onda je njegova žena Greta podigla crkvu u njegovu čast 1899. Kasnije je osvećena 1936. Pre dvadeset godina crkva je uništena eksplozijom. Mnogi koji su istraživali Rtanj veruju da je piramida koja je izgrađena vanzemaljskom tehnologijom. Rtanj takođe ima slični nagib kao piramida Meseca u Meksiku, kao i ćoškovi koji odgovaraju piramidama. Ova planina je veoma poznata po svom rtanjskom čaju koji se koristi za lečenje raznih bolesti. Veoma slična vrsta raste i na planini Olimp u Grčkoj. Najistaknutiji vrhovi planine su Kusak, Baba i Šiljak, i kada je povezana zamišljenom linijom, trougao čije strane su dimenzije pet i šest kilometara. Ovi rezultati istraživanja su držati dalje od očiju javnosti. U prošlosti i sadašnjosti, Rtanj, je imao veliki istorijski značaj za stanovništvo Istočne Srbije.