Autor: Barbara Mučić, II razred Gimnazije ''Mile Arsenijević Bandera'', Majdanpek, Regionalni centar za talente Bor
Mentor: Nebojša Petković, Profesor biologije Gimnazije ''Mile Arsenijević Bandera'', Majdanpek
Trichinella Spiralis je tip valjkastog crva(nematoda). Vodi parazitski način žviota.Rasprostranjena je svuda u svetu. Stalni domaćin je čovek, a prelazni je svinja ili pacov. Ona je jedan od najopasnijih parazita za čoveka. Izaziva bolest trihinelozu. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se približimo građi ovog parazita, bolest koju izaziva, i stanje na teritoriji Rudne Glave. Istraživanje obuhvata obilazak veterinara i prikupljanje informacija za domaćinstva. Na osnovu rezultata uviđeno je da na teritoriji Rudne Glave nema ovog parazita i da ne treba da se koriste određene mere, koje bi sačuvale i čoveka i životinju od Trichinelle Spiralis. Analizom informacija iz veterinarske stanice, stižemo do zaključka da se Trichinella Spiralis poslednji put pojavila pre 10-ak godina.
Ključne reči: Trichinella Spiralis, trihineloza, svinjsko meso
Trichinella spiralis is a type of cylindrical worms (nematodes). It has a parasitic way of its life.It can be found all over the world. The permanent host is a man, and the transistent is a pig or a rat. . It is one of the most dangerous parasites to humans. It causes the disease trichinosis. The aim of this study was to get closer to the structure of this parasite, the disease what it causes, and the situation in the territory of Rudna Glava. The study includes a tour of visiting the veterinarian and gathering information for the households. Based on the results insight- ful to the territory of Rudna Glava, heads no parasites and should not be used by certain measures, which would preserve and man and beast from Trichinella spiralis. By analyzing information from the veterinary station, we come to the conclusion that Trichinella spiralis last appeared 10 years ago.
Key words: Trichinella Spiralis, trichinosis, pork